Statement of Allegations: In the Matter of Rick Vansant et al.
R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED
Staff of the Ontario Securities Commission make the following allegations:
1. Moneysworth & Best Shoe Care Inc. ("Moneysworth") is incorporated under the lawsof Canada. Moneysworth is a reporting issuer in Ontario. Shares of Moneysworthtrade on The Toronto Stock Exchange.
2. Each of Rick VanSant, Ron Best, Clare Copeland, Michael Stein, RichardHarshman, Michael Serruya, Norman Winton, Russ Hill, Linda Millage, SteveDodds, and Carol Pipka (individually, a "Respondent" and collectively, the"Respondents") is, or was during the financial year of Moneysworth endedDecember 31, 1999, a director, officer, significant shareholder (beneficial ownershipof 10% or more of the voting rights of Moneysworth) or individual that has, or mayhave, access to material undisclosed information.
3. Moneysworth failed to file annual financial statements for its financial year endedDecember 31, 1999 on or before May 19, 2000, contrary to subsection 78(1) of theSecurities Act (Ontario).
4. By virtue of his/her/its relationship, each Respondent has, or may have, access toinformation regarding the affairs of Moneysworth that has not been generallydisclosed.
5. It would be prejudicial to the public interest to allow the Respondents to trade in thesecurities of Moneysworth until such time as all disclosure required by Ontariosecurities law has been made by Moneysworth.
6. It is therefore in the public interest for the Commission to order that all trading,whether direct or indirect, in the securities of Moneysworth by the Respondentscease until such time as Moneysworth has made all filings it is required to makeunder Ontario securities law.