Order: In the Matter of Paul Se Hui Oei and Canadian Manu Immigration & Financial Services Inc.



Heather Zordel, Commissioner and Chair of the Panel

File No. 2020-1

June 3, 2020


(Subsections 127(1) and 127(10) of the Securities Act, RSO 1990, c S.5)

WHEREAS on May 7, 2020, the Ontario Securities Commission (the Commission) held a hearing by teleconference to consider whether it is in the public interest to make an order against Paul Se Hui Oei and Canadian Manu Immigration & Financial Services Inc. (together, the Respondents) pursuant to subsections 127(1) and 127(10) of the Securities Act, RSO 1990, c S.5 (the Act), as requested in the Statement of Allegations filed by Staff of the Commission (Staff) on January 7, 2020;

ON READING the decision of the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) dated December 12, 2017, the decision of the BCSC dated August 8, 2018 and the order of the BCSC dated August 8, 2018 (the BCSC Order), and on reading the materials filed by Staff and the Respondents;


  1. Against Mr. Oei: 
    1. pursuant to the Act s.127(1)2, trading in any securities or derivatives by Mr. Oei cease permanently, except trades that are made for his own accounts (including RRSP accounts, TFSA accounts and RESP accounts) through a registered dealer, if he gives the registered dealer a copy of the BCSC Order and a copy of this Order;  
    2. pursuant to the Act s.127(1)2.1, the acquisition of any securities by Mr. Oei cease permanently, except purchases that are made for his own accounts (including RRSP accounts, TFSA accounts and RESP accounts) through a registered dealer, if he gives the registered dealer a copy of the BCSC Order and a copy of this Order;
    3. pursuant to the Act s.127(1)3, any exemptions contained in Ontario securities law do not apply to Mr. Oei permanently;
    4. pursuant to the Act s.127(1)7 and s.127(1)8.1, Mr. Oei resign any positions that he holds as a director or officer of an issuer or registrant;
    5. pursuant to the Act s.127(1)8 and s.127(1)8.2, Mr. Oei is prohibited permanently from becoming or acting as a director or officer of any issuer or registrant; and
    6. pursuant to the Act s.127(1)8.5, Mr. Oei is prohibited permanently from becoming or acting as a registrant or promoter.
  2. Against Canadian Manu Immigration & Financial Services Inc.:
    1. pursuant to the Act s.127(1)2, trading in any securities or derivatives by Canadian Manu cease permanently;
    2. pursuant to the Act s.127(1)2.1, the acquisition of any securities by Canadian Manu cease permanently;
    3. pursuant to the Act s.127(1)3, any exemptions contained in Ontario securities law do not apply to Canadian Manu permanently; and
    4. pursuant to the Act s.127(1)8.5, Canadian Manu is prohibited permanently from becoming or acting as a registrant or promoter.


Heather Zordel "
Heather Zordel