Order: Ontario Securities Commission v Freeman



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File No. 2024-12

Adjudicator: M. Cecilia Williams (Chair)

August 8, 2024


(Subsection 127(8) of the Securities Act, RSO 1990 c S.5)

WHEREAS the Capital Markets Tribunal held a hearing in writing to consider an application by the Ontario Securities Commission to extend a temporary order of the Commission dated July 29, 2024, against Robert George Freeman (the Temporary Order);

ON READING the materials filed by the representatives for the Commission and the correspondence of the parties, and on considering that Freeman consents to an extension of the Temporary Order;


  1. pursuant to subsection 127(8) and paragraph 2 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act, all trading in the securities of QuBiologics Inc. by Freeman, directly or indirectly, or by any person on behalf of Freeman, including but not limited to any act, advertisement, solicitation, conduct, or negotiation, directly or indirectly in furtherance of a trade, shall cease until 4:30 p.m. on September 25, 2024; and
  2. pursuant to subsection 127(8) and paragraph 3 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act, any exemptions contained in Ontario securities law do not apply to Freeman until 4:30 p.m. on September 25, 2024;
  3. the Commission’s motion for a further extension to the Temporary Order is scheduled for September 24, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. by videoconference, or on such other date and time as may be agreed to by the parties and set by the Governance & Tribunal Secretariat; and
  4. the hearing scheduled for August 12, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. is vacated.

M. Cecilia Williams
M. Cecilia Williams