Order: Oasis World Trading Inc (Re)
File No. 2023-38
Mary Condon (chair of the panel)
Timothy Moseley
Andrea Burke
August 27, 2024
(Rule 28 of the Rules of Procedure)
WHEREAS on July 31, 2024, the Capital Markets Tribunal held a hearing by videoconference to consider the respondents’ motion for relief relating to witness summaries and disclosure delivered by the Ontario Securities Commission;
ON READING the materials filed by the parties, and on hearing the submissions of the representatives for the Commission and for the respondents;
IT IS ORDERED, for reasons to follow, that:
- the Commission shall serve the respondents with revised witness summaries as follows:
with respect to paragraph 1 in each of the summaries for Danielle Raymond, Marc Sansregret, Eric Côté, and Chi Zhang, the Commission shall specify (where applicable) the documents included in the following categories referred to in those summaries:
- documents relating to JitneyTrade/Canaccord’s relationship with, and supervision of, Oasis,
- policies and procedures of JitneyTrade/Canaccord,
- documents relating to JitneyTrade/Canaccord’s supervisory tools,
- documents relating to Oasis policies and procedures, and
- communications with Oasis Traders,
either by specifically identifying every document within the category, or by amending the category description so as to enable the respondents to know which documents are included in the category;
- with respect to the summary for Yu Chen,
- in paragraphs 39, 47 and 54, the Commission shall provide the substance of Chen’s expected testimony regarding the “methodology” or “approach” he used, as applicable; and
- in paragraphs 39, 43 and 54, the Commission shall specify the documents included in “the available trading data relating to Oasis”, in “related documents” and in “related trading data and documents relating to the cause of the wash trades” either by specifically identifying every document within each category, or by amending the category description so as to enable the respondents to know which documents are included in the category;
- the Commission shall serve the respondents with a table of concordance that identifies the Document ID number(s) that correspond to each exhibit number in the transcript of Danielle Raymond;
- the Commission shall serve the respondents with copies of the attachments to the March 5, 2020, letter from the Australian Securities & Investment Commission to the Commission; and
- by 4:30 p.m. on September 9, 2024, the parties shall file with the Registrar either an agreed-upon schedule for the delivery of witness summaries by all parties, or each party’s brief written submissions containing that party’s proposed schedule.
Mary Condon
Timothy Moseley
Andrea Burke