Order: In the Matter of Anwar Heidary and James Sylvester
R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, AS AMENDED
(Section 127(1))
WHEREAS on September 7, 1999, the Ontario Securities Commission (the"Commission") issued a notice of hearing pursuant to section 127(1) of the SecuritiesAct (the "Act") in respect of James Sylvester ("Sylvester");
AND WHEREAS Sylvester entered into a settlement agreement dated January21, 2000 (the "Settlement Agreement") in which he agreed to a proposed settlement ofthe proceeding, subject to the approval of the Commission;
AND UPON reviewing the Settlement Agreement and the statement of allegations of Staff of the Commission, and upon hearing submissions from counsel forSylvester and from Staff of the Commission;
AND WHEREAS the Commission is of the opinion that it is in the public interestto make this Order;
(1) the Settlement Agreement dated January 21, 2000, attached to this Order, ishereby approved; and
(2) pursuant to clause 2 of subsection 127(1) of the Act, Sylvester is prohibited fromtrading in securities for a period of five years from the date of this Order with thefollowing exceptions:
i. After a period of one year from the date of this Order, Sylvester ispermitted to trade in securities for his personal account provided thatthose securities trade on a recognized stock exchange, the transactionsare not pre-arranged and Sylvester has no knowledge of the counter partyto the transaction;
ii. Sylvester is permitted to sell securities of Club Link Corporation, of whichhe is the beneficial owner, provided that those securities trade on arecognized stock exchange, the transactions are not pre-arranged andSylvester has no knowledge of the counter party to the transaction;
iii. Sylvester is permitted to trade in securities on behalf of Export InvestorsGroup Ltd. for the purposes of completing a contemplated transactioninvolving the sale of the assets and/or shares of Sussex Group Ltd.and/or Sussex Admiral (Bahamas) Ltd. to a Canadian public company(the "public company") in exchange for securities in the public company;and
iv. If the contemplated transaction outlined in subparagraph iii is completed,Sylvester is permitted to sell for his own account securities of the publiccompany provided that those securities trade on a recognized stockexchange, the transactions are not pre-arranged and Sylvester has noknowledge of the counter party to the transaction.
January 26th, 2000.
"J. A. Geller""Morley P. Carscallen"
"R. Stephen Paddon"