Notice from the Office of the Secretary: Practice Guideline on the use of the Commission’s Book of Authorities in proceedings before the Commission

For Immediate Release
Notice from the Office of the Secretary

Practice Guideline on the use of the Commission’s Book of Authorities
in proceedings before the Commission

TORONTO – A Book of Authorities containing cases frequently relied on by parties appearing before the Commission (the “Book of Authorities”), has been developed by the Office of the Secretary to the Commission and approved for use in proceedings before the Commission effective January 1, 2013.

Copies of the Book of Authorities will be maintained in each hearing room used by the Commission, and will be available in electronic format on the Commission’s website.

In accordance with the Practice Guideline dated December 4, 2012, a party relying on an authority contained in the Book of Authorities need not reproduce the authority as part of the materials filed for matters before the adjudicative panels of the Ontario Securities Commission.

There will be additions to, and deletions from, the Book of Authorities from time to time. Any questions or comments concerning the Book of Authorities, including any recommendations for additions to or deletions from the list, should be directed to the Office of the Secretary to the Commission.

See the Commission’s Practice Guideline dated December 4, 2012 for details of the Commission’s practice with respect to the use of the Book of Authorities in adjudicative proceedings.




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